![bhi-bsn22-logo-proofs-03 bhi-bsn22-logo-proofs-03](https://bhi-bsn-2022.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bhi-bsn22-logo-proofs-03-1200x300.png)
Associate Editors of BHI2022
Associate Editor | Affiliation | ||
1 | Cook, Diane Joyce | djcook@wsu.edu | Washington State University, USA |
cook@eecs.wsu.edu | |||
2 | Paulo Carvalho | carvalho@dei.uc.pt | University of Coimbra , Portugal |
3 | Pang Zhibo | pang.zhibo@se.abb.com | ABB Corporate Research, Sweden |
4 | Chun l Wong | clwong@us.ibm.com | IBM Research Almaden, USA |
5 | Maggie Cheng | maggie.cheng@iit.edu | Illinois Institute of Technology, USA |
6 | Zervakis Michail | michalis@display.tuc.gr | Technical University of Crete, Greece |
7 | Yang, Hui | huy25@psu.edu | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
8 | Ghasemzadeh, Hassan | hassan.ghasemzadeh@wsu.edu | Washington State University, USA |
9 | Bjoern Eskofier | bjoern.eskofier@fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany |
10 | Haider Abbas | haidera@kth.se | National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan |
11 | Omer Inan | oeinan@gmail.com | Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
12 | Adam Hoover | ahoover@g.clemson.edu | Clemson University, USA |
13 | Benny Lo | benny.lo@imperial.ac.uk | Imperial College London, UK |
14 | Toshiyo Tamura | t.tamura1949@gmail.com | Chiba University, Japan |
15 | Julien Penders | jfpenders@gmail.com | Bloom-life Inc., USA |
16 | Reyer Zwiggelaar | rrz@aber.ac.uk | Aberystwyth University, UK |
17 | Guoyan Zheng | guoyan.zheng@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |
18 | Enzo Pasquale Scilingo | enzo.scilingo@unipi.it |
School of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy |
e.scilingo@ing.unipi.it | |||
e.scilingo@centropiaggio.unipi.it | |||
19 | Bart Vanrumste | bart.vanrumste@kuleuven.be | KU Leuven, Belgium |
20 | Jie Liang | jliang@uic.edu | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
21 | Wei Chen | w_chen@fudan.edu.cn | Fudan University, China |
22 | Manolis Tsiknakis | tsiknaki@hmu.gr | Technological Educational Institute of Crete and FORTH, Greece |
tsiknaki@ics.forth.gr | |||
23 | Zhiqiang Zhang | Z.Zhang3@leeds.ac.uk | University of Leeds, UK |
24 | Steffen Leonhardt | leonhardt@hia.rwth-aachen.de | Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
25 | Vincent S. Tseng | vtseng@cs.nctu.edu.tw | National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan |
tsengsm@gmail.com | |||
26 | Giuseppe Fico | gfico@lst.tfo.upm.es | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain |
27 | Jafari, Roozbeh | rjafari@tamu.edu | Texas A&M University, USA |
28 | Fan, Guoliang | glfan@okstate.edu |
Oklahoma State University, USA |
guoliang.fan@okstate.edu | |||
29 | Anca Bucur | anca.bucur@philips.com | Philips Research, Precision and Decentralized Diagnostics Department, The Netherlands |
30 | Shen, Dinggang | dinggang.shen@gmail.com | United Imaging Intelligence (UII), Shanghai, China |
31 | Pecchia, Leandro | l.pecchia@warwick.ac.uk, Leandro.Pecchia@unicampus.it (νέο) |
University of Warwick, UK |
32 | Caifeng Shan | caifeng.shan@gmail.com | Philips Research, The Netherlands |
33 | Huazhu Fu | hzfu@ieee.org | Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE |
34 | Ziyue Xu | ziyue.xu@gmail.com | Nvidia, USA |
35 | Barbara Di Camillo | barbara.dicamillo@unipd.it | Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy |
36 | Tourassi Georgia | tourassig@ornl.gov | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA |
37 | Vicente Traver Salcedo | vtraver@itaca.upv.es | ITACA – Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain |
38 | Shuayb Zarar | shuayb@microsoft.com (δεν ισχύει πλέον) shuayb.zarar@gmail.com |
Microsoft, USA |
39 | Konstantinos Marias | kmarias@ics.forth.gr | Hellenic Mediterranean University and Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas, Greece |
40 | Huiyu Zhou | hz143@leicester.ac.uk | School of Informatics, University of Leicester, United Kingdom |
41 | Cristiano André da Costa | cac@unisinos.br | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos São Leopoldo – RS, Brazil |
42 | Xing Chen | xingchen@amss.ac.cn | China University of Mining and Technology, China |
43 | Fahmi Khalifa | fahmikhalifa@mans.edu.eg, fakhal01@louisville.edu, fahmikhalifa@yahoo.com | Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt |
44 | Geng Yang | yanggeng@zju.edu.cn | Zhejiang University (ZJU), China |
45 | Ulas Bagci | ulasbagci@gmail.com | University of Central Florida (UCF), USA |
46 | Giancarlo Fortino | g.fortino@unical.it, fortino@icsi.berkeley.edu, g.fortino@qut.edu.au, g.fortino@ieee.org |
Computer Engineering, Università della Calabria, Italy |
47 | Maarten De Vos | maarten.devos@kuleuven.be | KU Leuven, Belgium |
48 | Andreas S. Panayides | panayidesa@gmail.com, a.panayides@3ahealth.com | Co-founder and R&D Director, 3AE Health LTD (3AHealth), Cyprus |
49 | Gastone Ciuti | gastone.ciuti@santannapisa.it | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA), Italy |
50 | Andrea Facchinetti | facchine@dei.unipd.it | University of Padova, Italy |
51 | Abbas Khosravi | abbas.khosravi@deakin.edu.au | Deakin University IISRI, Australia |
52 | Weizheng Wang | weizheng.wang@ieee.org | City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
53 | Shaohua Wan | shaohua.wan@ieee.org | Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China |
54 | Fazlullah Khan | fazlullah@ieee.org | RoZetta Technology Pty Ltd, Research and Development, Australia |
55 | Jose Neuman Souza | neuman@ufc.br | Federal University of Ceara, Campus do Pici, Brazil |